Monday, February 24, 2014


True education is the education that teaches you to teach yourself, and inspires you with the desire to do that.

 Education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think -- Albert Einstein

 Education is not just a way to accumulate knowledge, but a path to acquire wisdom from your observations. 

Too many years spent learning to give the right answers,
Too few spent learning to ask the right questions.

        "Everybody is a genius.If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it's stupid"
                                                                   - Albert Einstein

 A true education should:
  • Teach students the skills of observation - seeing, listening & experiencing.  Sadly most of us are very poor observers & thus our learning stops relatively early in our life. However, with a constant practice anyone could develop observation skills.
  • Provide opportunities to observe - bringing objects to class, field trips, art events etc. Manage this in a very effective manner rather than creating a laundry list.
  • Teach tools on the art of recording observations - journal entries, creating notes & mind maps
  • Provide basic knowledge to start interpreting observations - this includes elementary knowledge of language, math, geography and science.
  • Teach basic logic and the art of experimentation. This includes understanding what hypothesis mean and how those hypotheses are validated. Experimentation should not be just restricted to Chemistry, but for every stream of human endeavor.
  • Create ways to share experiences in a supportive way. It is very important to constantly share your experiences to grow your learning.
  • Provide an environment to help students to build on their observations and experiences in their own way.

Education is all about managing observations. Whether you are a scientist, writer, artist, manager or investor, all these skills become the deciding tools of your trade. However, it is sad that our education system is providing a low importance to the art of observation.

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