Throwing chalk pieces and papers to other students and pretend to be innocent looking somewhere.
Real friendships and fake heartbreaks
Why are u laughing?? come and tell us so that we can also laugh.. Those epic dialogues of the teachers.
when keeping ur eyes open during prayers was the ultimate offense
India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and..........(silence). I love my country...................
Pen fights :D miss them the most .. Using different pens for different opponents .. Speed and control .. Haha
In primary school, u used to go in a line of two with you holding a girl's hand! ;) It was such a beautiful feeling ;)
Remember at school when everyone used to Paint PVA glue on your hands and then peeling it off later
Giving chocolate as a birthday treat to each and every classmate.
Throwing stones on each other during Sports Day practice..
Coping the notes on the board with neat hand writing for a V.GOOD from teacher
Cricket inside class room with paper ball and exam pad
harassing the friend seating on front bench n then blaming the friend seating next to u..
Becoming the Sports Captain and bunking all classes
Having the lunch as fast as possible to go and play in the grounds.
Ma'am I've done my homework but I forgot the notebook at home !
Asking teachers after every lecture "can i go to toilet" or "can i go to drink water" to enjoy dos 4-5 minutes of freedom :P
Trying to reflect sunlight on your friends’s face with a wrist watch.
Using the iron to dry your socks 10mins before school...
Standing outside principles office and every1 staring at you like you are an alien
shouting like hell when teachers were absent !!
Wondering why Non-dust eraser makes dust sometimes.
Do you remember as kids, the biggest threat anyone could say to scare you was "I'm telling your mom" ?
Stealing the lunchbox of that one guy/girl who always used to get good food
10 guyz running after single ball while playing football.
When sleeping at home for 5 mins 6:30 becomes 8:00, when sleeping in class for 5 mins 1:30 remains 1:30
raw different stuff on last page of note book which was often filled with different Signatures.
waiting for answer paper after marks with friends.
sitting an the first bench n sleeping..:D
Being house captain missing all classes for absolutely no reason and doing anything you feel like.
Hanging out with other Teachers in Random Classes , just to bunk !!
That invincible unity and faith for not telling Teacher who actually did that :'D
That one student who always faints in the assembly.
Friends Having a crush on someone & doing 'FLAMES' & calculating 'Percentage' before even talking to her.
There will always be competitions between schools....The BOYS' SCHOOLS Vs The GIRLS' SCHOOLS
A gal called me 'Munna'(actor_siddharth); I called her 'Harini'(
Every girl should have a guy who an take her on a date, and not touch anywhere but her heart.
sitting in between two gals as a punishment coz of excessive talkin
Standing out in the corridors right after the period ends.
Keeping fingers crossed and hoping that the teacher doesn't call you to solve sums on the board.
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