Monday, March 23, 2015

What-is-the-greatest-failure-of-Western-civilization Part 2

I acknowledge and greatly respect advancement in technology, health care, standards of living and so on. But if we delve deeper, we see the adverse side effects that they have created for the world.

The greatest failures of the Western Civilization are two fold:

  1. Selfish development that has created adverse side-effects, proving to be detrimental to the very existence of the human race.
  2. Undermining the core values which forms the basis of humanity, happiness and satisfaction.

  • Modern colonization in the name of Development
African countries lose almost $700 billion every year due to unfair trade practices, 70% of which is controlled by MNCs. The people are suffering from "Resource Curse" - the richness of resources have attracted Western corporations who exploit all these, making these countries some of the poorest in the world. People are living in misery, child labor is at its peak. This is the modern-day colonization being legally celebrated by the rich and powerful.

(Who Owns Africa's Natural Resources?
 - Showing Big MNCs owning the natural resources in Africa)

  • Environmental Degradation in the name of Advancement
They have reached moon and now aiming for other planets and solar systems. In the process, they have created a big passage to outer space. Literally. The famous Ozone Hole. Each minute, at least 51 acres of tropical forests are destroyed and 12000 tons of carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. 110 million Americans live amongst such high levels of air pollution, the federal government considers it to be harmful to their health. I will let the numbers drive my point.

  • Materialism in the name of satisfaction and happiness
It starts with iTouch. Then iPhone. And then iPad. Nike X for running, Nike Y for walking, Nike Z for office. You would start with Swatch, then Tissot. Still unsatisfied, would buy a Rado. For clothing, you would begin with H & M, move to Zara, and then would always look out for Gucci. The person who is forced to stop at Zara or Tissot is unhappy and unsatisfied because he couldn't climb higher while the world raced ahead. The person with Rado and Gucci is unhappy and unsatisfied because he doesn't know what to do with remaining money and is always worried that someday he may lose it all. But the question is who has been able to keep the materialistic things forever? It is still the most simple things that gives eternal happiness and satisfaction - helping a disaster victim, educating an orphan, working for community, sit in meditation. Happiness is always find within. Just relax and breath slowly. You would understand.

  • Women objectification in the name of Equality
Western countries are proud that they have a higher percentage of women employed and educated, from which they conveniently infer of having high equality and empowerment. What about all the ads and posters that project women as objects that can earn more eyes and money? Most of the video songs, porn, movies, bars  and clubs, and now even video games showcase women in obscene scenes. Anyone was talking about equality? Equality and respect comes from within, one needs to transform the entire cultue for this. No sir, the statistics are just a veil over the truth.

  • Diluting Family Relations in the name of independence
Kids leave their parents as soon as they reach high school/college in the name of independence. Couples break up marriage vows and divorce rates are high. If you take a ride in public transportation, you would see lonely old aged people murmuring to themselves, lifting heavy bags from Walmart, asking the bus driver to help them get into the bus. They don't expect their children to be with them at that age - because they themselves left their parents. Everyone wants to be independent, but this is just an excuse that the civilization makes to cover up the failure of keeping family together. Browse on Google, and you would see that unstable relationships and regret of having spent less time with dear ones are the major factors of unhappiness.

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