Sunday, June 14, 2015


The Things We Do For Love.

For those we love. For love lost. For lack of love. For love that will never be returned. Love is the dominant emotion that drives every main character. 
  • Love in it's many forms is one of the most powerful themes throughout the series.  
  • Love literally shaped the continent of Westeros. Love drove Prince Rhaegar to "kidnap" Robert's lady Lyanna. This began Robert's Rebellion setting up the status quo in the Game of Thrones.
  • Love for our children. As nasty as she can be, everything Queen Cersei does she does for her children. The children of the North receive no less love from their mother. Khal Drogo lost his life and his empire due to his love for his wife & never to be born son.
  • Singular love. As nasty as he can be Jaime has only ever known and loved one woman in his life - Perhaps the only man in Westeros who can claim that.
  • Unreturned love. Turned Petyr into what he is.
  • Love of honor & duty. Poor Ned. He was a horrible politician.
  • Love of whoring & boaring. Poor Robert. He was a horrible king.
  • The list goes on and on.

Love colors everything around us, giving human life greater depth and drive.

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