Sunday, June 14, 2015

The difference between threatening and educating GOT

The difference between threatening and educating.

Tyrion Lannister: What kind of knight beats a helpless girl? 
Meryn Trant: The kind who serves his king, Imp! 
Bronn: Careful now. We don't want to get blood all over your pretty white cloak. 
Tyrion Lannister: Someone get the girl something to cover herself with. 
[Sandor Clegane gives Sansa his cloak
Tyrion Lannister: [to Joffrey] She's to be your queen. Have you no regard for her honor? 
Joffrey Baratheon: I'm punishing her. 
Tyrion Lannister: For what crimes? She's not fighting her brother's battle, you halfwit. 
Joffrey Baratheon: You can't talk to me like that. The king can do as he likes! 
Tyrion Lannister: The mad king did as he like. Has your uncle Jaime ever told you what happened to him? 
Meryn TrantNo one threatens his grace in the presence of the Kingsguard! 
Tyrion LannisterI'm not threatening the king, Ser, I'm educating my nephew. 
[to Bronn
Tyrion LannisterBronn, the next time Ser Meryn speaks, kill him. 
[Back to Ser Meryn
Tyrion LannisterTHAT was a threat. See the difference?

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